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Celebrate the Cultural Diversity of Florida's Filmmakers with our July FilmGate Festival!


Our upcoming festival, scheduled for July 26th, is the annual Films with Subtitles festival. We will be showcasing 8 different films from Florida-based directors, with 6 films in Spanish, 1 in Italian, and 1 in Creek. We still have seats open for the event, so register today before we sell out!

As always our festival will start with our Percolator, where our community members can pitch their ideas or try to connect with other filmmakers. Participants have one minute to sell their ideas and/or skills!

We will then move on to our programming, which totals up to a runtime of around 1 hour and 40 minutes. Our films for the evening are:

Te Veo, dir. by Jenny Pomares. Presented in Spanish.

Farewell, dir. by Guillermo Diaz. Presented in Spanish.

País Improvisto, dir. by Alfredo Hueck. Presented in Spanish.

Salt Water Railroad, dir. by Clare Vickery Presented in Creek.

Latin Music The Documentary, dir. by Akemi Guira and Gustavo Romero. Presented in Spanish and English.

Auguri, dir. by Nico Chimi. Presented in Italian.

Paradox, dir. by Diego Cowks. Presented in Spanish.

Arroz Leche y Powerball, dir. by Mariana Serrano. Presented in Spanish.

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