FilmGate entèaktif
Media Festival # 07

Best of Fest Juror
Arwa Michelle Mboya se yon designer ak teknolojik kreyatif soti nan Nairobi Kenya, ki enterese nan entèseksyon teknoloji, rakonte istwa ak chanjman sosyal. Li renmen travay ak XR ak rezoud pwoblèm konplèks nan estrateji, kalkil ak konsepsyon. Pwojè rechèch li ye kounye a, Allo-I, melanje rakonte istwa, aprantisaj machin ak syans konpòtman pou amelyore ak egzamine imajinasyon fanm majinalize yo. Arwa etidye nan Inivèsite Yale (BA) ak MIT Media Lab (MS) e kounye a li kouri pwòp estidyo melanje reyalite li, Allo-I. Arwa se orijinal soti nan Nairobi, Kenya. Li renmen vwayaj ak avanti.

Best of Fest Juror
Atravè yon karyè 20-ane nan medya dijital, Mike te ranpli anpil wòl. Li te pwouve eksperyans nan tout faz nan kreyasyon medya dijital, ki soti nan estrateji nan ekzekisyon, konsepsyon nan devlopman, ak jesyon pwodwi nan lavant / maketing. Apre li te diplome nan kolèj, li te jwe bas nan yon Trio fè bwi endepandan wòch ak pwòp tèt ou-rezerve Tours nan tout peyi nan yon kamyonèt yo te rele Big Silver. 'Nou pa te Nirvana, men mwen te aprann kouman yo dwe antreprenarya.' Mike te dirije gwo pwojè teknoloji pou mak tankou IBM, MoMA ak Tiffany & Co nan yon konpayi teknoloji Silisyòm Alley bonè. Li te tou etabli pwòp biznis li - yon antrepriz konsepsyon itilizatè-koòdone, yon ajans dijital, ak yon estidyo istwa pwochen-gen. Travay li ranpòte anpil kouvèti pou laprès ak prim. Pita, li te fonde e li te kouri òganizasyon medya Immersion StoryCode a, yon kwa-disiplin kominote mondyal kreyatè inovatè. Kounye a, li se yon lidè granmoun aje nan boukan dife, yon ajans maketing espesyalize ki devlope prim-genyen estrateji ak kanpay lanse nouvo pwodwi ak franchiz amizman. Si estati kanson l 'di ke li ale, ou pral gen anpil chans jwenn l' sou yon lapèch vole kouran.
Best of Fest Juror

Nitzan Bartov (li / li) se yon achitèk ak entèraksyon Designer ki baze nan Brooklyn.
Nan VR, entèaktif ak espasyal medya, travay li melanje kilti pòp, Sci-Fi ak mistik, yo eksplore chanje relasyon ant moun ak teknoloji. Travay li yo te prezante nan TriBeCa, Cannes, SXSW ak Sundance Film Festival, Atizay && Kòd, Grey Zòn Festival, Mize aktyèl la ak Sant pou Achitekti, epi yo te kouvri pa branche, New York Times, New Yorker, ekonomis la, BBC, Verge, Vis ak lòt moun. Nitzan se yon Designer Rechèch nan FRL ak Brooklyn Rechèch, ak yon Adjwen Asistan Pwofesè nan Columbia GSAPP, kote li anseye yon VR ak kou simulation spéculatif. Li te etidye achitekti nan Inivèsite Tel Aviv, epi li te anseye nan lekòl atizay vizyèl, Pratt Institute ak Pwogram Kill Scholars Scholars. Rezidans sot pase yo ak bous yo gen ladan New Inc, Economist Media Lab, Sundance Story Lab ak POV.

Florida Juror
Nitzan Bartov (li / li) se yon achitèk ak entèraksyon Designer ki baze nan Brooklyn.
Nan VR, entèaktif ak espasyal medya, travay li melanje kilti pòp, Sci-Fi ak mistik, yo eksplore chanje relasyon ant moun ak teknoloji. Travay li yo te prezante nan TriBeCa, Cannes, SXSW ak Sundance Film Festival, Atizay && Kòd, Grey Zòn Festival, Mize aktyèl la ak Sant pou Achitekti, epi yo te kouvri pa branche, New York Times, New Yorker, ekonomis la, BBC, Verge, Vis ak lòt moun. Nitzan se yon Designer Rechèch nan FRL ak Brooklyn Rechèch, ak yon Adjwen Asistan Pwofesè nan Columbia GSAPP, kote li anseye yon VR ak kou simulation spéculatif. Li te etidye achitekti nan Inivèsite Tel Aviv, epi li te anseye nan lekòl atizay vizyèl, Pratt Institute ak Pwogram Kill Scholars Scholars. Rezidans sot pase yo ak bous yo gen ladan New Inc, Economist Media Lab, Sundance Story Lab ak POV.
Florida Juror

Nitzan Bartov (li / li) se yon achitèk ak entèraksyon Designer ki baze nan Brooklyn.
Nan VR, entèaktif ak espasyal medya, travay li melanje kilti pòp, Sci-Fi ak mistik, yo eksplore chanje relasyon ant moun ak teknoloji. Travay li yo te prezante nan TriBeCa, Cannes, SXSW ak Sundance Film Festival, Atizay && Kòd, Grey Zòn Festival, Mize aktyèl la ak Sant pou Achitekti, epi yo te kouvri pa branche, New York Times, New Yorker, ekonomis la, BBC, Verge, Vis ak lòt moun. Nitzan se yon Designer Rechèch nan FRL ak Brooklyn Rechèch, ak yon Adjwen Asistan Pwofesè nan Columbia GSAPP, kote li anseye yon VR ak kou simulation spéculatif. Li te etidye achitekti nan Inivèsite Tel Aviv, epi li te anseye nan lekòl atizay vizyèl, Pratt Institute ak Pwogram Kill Scholars Scholars. Rezidans sot pase yo ak bous yo gen ladan New Inc, Economist Media Lab, Sundance Story Lab ak POV.
Florida Juror

Nitzan Bartov (li / li) se yon achitèk ak entèraksyon Designer ki baze nan Brooklyn.
Nan VR, entèaktif ak espasyal medya, travay li melanje kilti pòp, Sci-Fi ak mistik, yo eksplore chanje relasyon ant moun ak teknoloji. Travay li yo te prezante nan TriBeCa, Cannes, SXSW ak Sundance Film Festival, Atizay && Kòd, Grey Zòn Festival, Mize aktyèl la ak Sant pou Achitekti, epi yo te kouvri pa branche, New York Times, New Yorker, ekonomis la, BBC, Verge, Vis ak lòt moun. Nitzan se yon Designer Rechèch nan FRL ak Brooklyn Rechèch, ak yon Adjwen Asistan Pwofesè nan Columbia GSAPP, kote li anseye yon VR ak kou simulation spéculatif. Li te etidye achitekti nan Inivèsite Tel Aviv, epi li te anseye nan lekòl atizay vizyèl, Pratt Institute ak Pwogram Kill Scholars Scholars. Rezidans sot pase yo ak bous yo gen ladan New Inc, Economist Media Lab, Sundance Story Lab ak POV.

Most Innovative Experience Juror
An experienced, versatile creative leader with 20 years’ experience producing and successfully launching award-winning innovative storytelling and music projects, through a variety of mediums. From Technicolor (Beyond The Black Rainbow), MPC (Life of Pi), GMH VR (founded with creator/visionary Tyler Hurd), Intel Studios (VR Volumetric music experiences Runnin' with Reggie Watts) and EA Create Capture before joining Departure Lounge. Departure Lounge is a Vancouver based Metaverse focused company pioneering tools, technology, and immersive creative projects. Adam is now Head of Studio and VP of Creative for Departure Lounge, which includes Metastage Vancouver.

Most Innovative Experience Juror
Emma Chiu is global director of Wunderman Thompson Intelligence, the agency’s in-house futures and innovation think-tank. She consults with clients to build long-term strategies based on qualitative and quantitative insight that incorporates cultural and behavioral change, sector innovation and zeitgeist shifts.
Emma’s foresight and thought leadership has been picked up by global publications and has been featured in The Telegraph, New York Magazine and Vogue. She is a member of the WARC Awards and Creativepool 2020 judging panel. In addition, Emma regularly speaks at conferences including SXSW, Adobe Max and Pause Fest.

Most Innovative Experience Juror
Lindsay is an awarded game designer, developer, author and professor. He is the Knight Chair in Interactive Media and an associate professor at the University of Miami School of Communication. He is Vice President for the Higher Education Video Game Alliance and the 2019 recipient of the Games for Change Vanguard award. Lindsay's book, Doing Things with Games, Social Impact through Design, is a well-received guide to game design. In 2020, he edited and authored Love and Electronic Affection: a Design Primer on designing love and affection in games.>>